FINAS Fintech & Insurtech association of Slovakia Current members I want to be a member
Goals of the association
FINAS MEETUP #13 Click the button below to watch the full Meetup on Youtube October 23, 2024, Bratislava Watch now Roadmap of Upcoming Events More events Contact points Strategies for
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FINAS Ecosystem

HR, Consultants, Community, Platforms

Innovation, Research

Regulators, Education

About usOur vision has become a clear goal, to be part of a key ecosystem of financial, primarily fintech, European centers and to launch a "Building innovation culture".

We have created the basic form of a functional platform. However, we still have a lot of work to do. We are currently trying to name concrete steps to make this goal a reality. We are gradually consolidating Slovakia as a country with innovation potential with a partially functional ecosystem


Years of experience





Dosah činnosti

Fintech affects all types of industries
  • Telecom & IT
  • Healthcare
  • Sale
  • Energy & Networks
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Finance
  • Transport, Mobility & Leisur

Goals of the association

Pillars of success

Community, establishment of
association FINAS (Innovation Culture)
Innovative infrastructure ,
from which the whole country and the region prosper
Location as an unused gift - marketing of the country of Slovakia as a center focused on financial innovations in the CEE region
Starting the "Fee Business"

Why choose us?

Davy Čajko


Pavol Čverha

Vice Prezident

Kenneth Kumor

Vice Prezident

Zdenko Banci

Internal audit

Jana Péliová

Founding member

Roman Kazička

Founding member

Davy Čajko

Vision, strategy, networking, innovation, goal, trust. I have 22 years of experience and a number of successful projects.5 years ago, we started with a completely new topic, which began a fundamental change in the “Fintech” financial world. We see the establishment of the Club and NGO FINAS entity, which will be able to launch new projects on this topic, primarily for its members, as the first peak of the conclusion of our planned cycle.

Pavol Čverha

Quality fin-legislative climate. As a finance and banking expert, I am pleased to have the opportunity to discuss with professionals and contribute with my more than 10 years of banking experience gained as a chief legal officer, Head of SME financing, advisor to CEO or member of the Supervisory Board. To the years of work in banking, I also add experience from the external provision of legal services to banks, as a member of the banking and financing team at the law firm Prosman & Pavlovič.

Kenneth Kumor

Technology expert. Within FINAS, we want to achieve that more companies are established in Slovakia with the ambition to apply in the Fintech & Insurtech sectors, and that they have suitable conditions and an environment for their continuous growth.

Zdenko Banci

Expertise and internal audit. More than a year ago, I joined an open platform focused on trends and innovations in IT, AI and related modern technologies. I was fascinated by the dynamics of the development of this area and was motivated by a group of skilful and clever minded colleagues. I have been operating on the financial market since 2000; I built and managed an internal audit department in the insurance company, in the management of an independent financial agent I was responsible for the development and implementation of new IT tools and fintech. At the same time, I worked in an internal audit as a professional guarantor.

Jana Péliová

Supporting the innovative potential of students. The university environment is typical in that it connects theoretical approaches with practical applications and new ideas and thoughts that are necessary for the further development of society. The mission of the EUBA is not only to educate students in current areas, but also to implement and encourage economic research for practical use. I have been working at the Department of Finance since 1999, where, in addition to focusing on finance in the broadest sense of the word, we also strive to support the innovation potential of our students. Since January 2019, I have been the Slovak coordinator of a project financed from the Horizon 2020 FINancial Supervision and TECHnological Compliance training program – FIN-TECH, in which we involve several components of the fintech ecosystem. The connection between academia and practice is what moves us as a company forward.

Roman Kazička

Roman is an Enterprise Architect. He currently focuses on consulting, education, book writing, evangelism of the system approach in IT. He wrote the e-book: Documentation in IT – A waste of time or strategic assets? He is the author of several original methodologies – “7Ds-Seven Disciplines for successful solutions”, “APV-Assets-Perspectives-Views”, “Q12-12 quadrants for successful business”.

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