Personal finances under one roof
Wealth building is a systematic process. The Orange Envelope constantly guards your savings, investments, loans and allows you to manage your financial future. Interactive tools help you set up your retirement savings or see how your loan payment will change when
interest rates change. The heart of the entire platform is the state-of-the-art microsimulation model that has been developed and improved for several years. The Orange Envelope platform is backed by a team of researchers from the fields of pensions policy,
financial mathematics and economics. Our vision is to create a portal that enables complex management of personal finances – assets and liabilities according to the latest knowledge and research. The various investment and savings strategies, which you will be able to test using a back-testing tool, also help to actively manage your personal finances.
Analyze and Compare
Orange Envelope allows to create high performing portfolios. Selection of good investment is a complicated process. Try our filter and find the best funds with high rating and low volatility. Compare the performance of pension and mutual funds or ETFs. Crete your own watchlist of favorite investments and markets will work for You.