FINAS community Meetup #10

Bratislava brought together fintech leaders of the CEE region!

We are extremely proud that during the Finweek conference we once again managed to integrate the meeting of the FINAS community (Meetup 10) together with other special guests from Central Europe and thus take the next planned step. Our first media announcement of the “connecting” initiative started already in September 2022 during last year’s Finweek conference and currently the time has come to launch the initiative in full.

We forever put Slovakia on the Fintech map of the CEE region’s development history and thus launched our new initiative in the form of a Manifesto for the “Launch of the European fintech brand initiative”, together with representatives of 8 countries – Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Ukraine, Moldova, Romania, supporters of The Israel Fintech Center and of course Slovakia’s FINAS.

What can the CEE Fintech sector offer to the world?

Having a common voice in a sophisticated and competitive environment is the challenge! Being a relevant partner in communication with the European regulators of our sector and a business partner in cooperation with other regions of the world is one of the key motivations for establishing this initiative.

These are the stars of this time! I am glad that I can stand in front of them and proudly present them to the world. They are innovators who create new ideas and embark on their implementation, who are faced with obstacles every day in order to achieve their goals, which the economic situation, regulations and the environment in general bring to them. They create new added values and innovative services for people, for entrepreneurs, for everyone…and that is Fintech.


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