Official membership in Accelerator Finas is provided by a memberFuture Proof, as the founder of NGOs in the form of Accelerator FINAS, performs the following activities to establish the goals of its members
FINAS ACCELERATOROfficial Membership in Accelerator Finas brings members

Future Proof, as the founder in the form of Accelerator FINAS, performs these activities in order to establish the goals of its members
- Marketing communication of members and their activities in Slovakia and abroad
- Year-round communication at upcoming “brand awareness” events in the case of organization by the FINAS accelerator
- Creating business opportunities for members
- Free participation in all Fin conferences
- Participation in trainings
- support services for startups
- 1x monthly meetings of accelerator members – meetups
* Formal relationship – Member (Accelerator Finas) Vs Future Proof s.r.o., according to the price list of partnership
Visible publication of the Logo and contact details through all channels of the association according to the membership level
- Conferences, discussions organized by FINAS club
- participation in conferences in the form of speaker participation – organized by Tech Events (Fintechsummit, Finweek)
- Future of Finance promo – Mighty network
- Meetups
- Hackathons
- Web page
- LinkedIn group
- Newsletter
- Magazine
- Hub
- Campaigns
- Press
- News
- Education

FINAS - Interest association of legal entitiesOfficial membership in the association brings members
- Proposing topics, suggestions – “lobbying” to the competent authorities in the topics of the association
active commenting on legislation, participation in its creation
- Political and media impact
- Demands and pressure towards the public sector
- Representing the interests of members in discussions and working groups organized by the MFSR and the NBS
participation in working groups according to the interest in the project
- As part of additional services – monetization of market data that we obtain, in the style of https://www.statista.com/
- symbolic fee (50 € / year)
- formal relationship – Member of Vs FINAS interest association of legal entities (currently in preparation)
- symbolic fee (50 € / year)