
Intelligent cash-flow planning for businesses

Finappie is a service for simple corporate finance planning. It uses artificial intelligence
because good financial decisions do not need emotions.

What can Finappie do

Account balances, prediction, and plan for the next 12 months

Based on a unique algorithm and transaction history, Finappie will create an accurate financial forecast for the next 12 months. Together with your plan for future transactions, it greatly simplifies the management of the company.

Calendar with future transactions

An overview of the upcoming planned transactions.

Transaction planning

Finappie allows you to create future one-time and regular transactions. Together, they create a cash flow plan for the next 12 months or even for years to come.


Finappie will automatically discover periodical transactions and recommend adding them to the plan.

Email remindersEmail reminders

Weekly email reminders with an overview of payments for the next 7 days.


Finappie allows you to create invoices, link invoices to planned transactions, and automatically pre-fill the data in the invoice, which saves time and reduces errors.

Invoice overview

Possibility to set monthly budgets for categories of expenses and continuous control of their consumption.

Linking bank accounts

Finappie allows you to create invoices, link invoices to planned transactions, and automatically pre-fill the data in the invoice, which saves time and reduces errors.

Automatic transaction categorization

Organizing transactions into categories using artificial intelligence.


Possibility to set monthly budgets for categories of expenses and continuous control of their consumption.


The statement contains an overview of cash flow for previous months and the state of budgets.

Transactions of previous months

The statement also contains a summary of income and expenses by category as well as a complete list of transactions.

Personal finance

Possibility of financial planning for companies, self-employed, and individuals.

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