FINAS Meetup #10

FINAS Meetup #10

  • 25. októbra 2023
  • 18:00 AM
  • HubHub, Bratislava

Srdečne Vás pozývame na ďalší FINAS MEETUP, tentokrát už desiaty v poradí.

Kedy?   25.október 2023
Kde?   Twin City C, HubHub Bratislava
Kedy?   17.00


  • welcome speech Davy Čajko
  • welcome speech Maciej Ruczaj (PL) – Ambassador of Poland to Slovakia
  • Jakub Dzięgiel (PL) – FinTech Specialist FinTech and eCommerce department at Alior Bank 
  • Zoltán Ács (HU) – Managing Director at MBH Fintechlab
  • William Jalloul (CZ) – Founder / CEO at Flowpay
  • representative of SCR technologies (SK)
  • representative of Accai (SK)
  • representative of Instea (SK)
  • Gabriel Stefanak (LV) – Sales Executive at Decta


2023-10-25 18:00 2023-10-25 22:00 Europe/London FINAS Meetup #10 HubHub, Bratislava
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